We value making disciples by building authentic relationships that spur each other on toward love and good deeds.
(He 10:24-25, Ac 2:42-47, Ru 1:16-17, I Sa 23:14-18)
We value a lifestyle of worshipping God that engages both the heart and the mind.
(2 Ki 17:24-41; Jn 4:23-24; Ro 12:1-2)
We value a complete dependence on Christ as the ultimate authority of our lives.
(2 Chron 20:1-26; Mk 9:14-29)
Spiritual Growth
We value a vibrant growing relationship with our Savior.
(Co 2:6-7; Jn 15:8; Ph 3:7-11)
God's Presence
We value the transforming presence of the Holy Spirit that empowers us to live out our new life in Christ.
(Ac 1:1-11; Ga 5:16-26)
We value making the most of every opportunity to share the new life in Christ we have experienced with those we come in contact.
(Eph 5:8-17; Co 4:2-6; Mt 5:13-16; Is 42:6-8)
We value striving for excellence in everything we do because God is worthy of our best.
(Co 3:15-17, 23-24; I Cor 10:31; I Ki 6 & 7; Mal 1:6-9)