Our Mission:

We exist to glorify God by making disciples through sharing the gospel of Christ and His unconditional love to our surrounding communities. We are dedicated to the teaching of biblical truth, training believers to demonstrate Christian love as we reach others for Christ, recognizing we are an imperfect people serving to glorify God.  

     (Jn 15:1-17, Mt 28:18-20)

Our Values


We value making disciples by building authentic relationships that spur each other on toward love and good deeds. 

     (He 10:24-25, Ac 2:42-47, Ru 1:16-17, I Sa 23:14-18)


We value a lifestyle of worshipping God that engages both the heart and the mind. 

     (2 Ki 17:24-41; Jn 4:23-24; Ro 12:1-2)


We value a complete dependence on Christ as the ultimate authority of our lives. 

     (2 Chron 20:1-26; Mk 9:14-29)

Spiritual Growth 

We value a vibrant growing relationship with our Savior. 

     (Co 2:6-7; Jn 15:8; Ph 3:7-11)

God's Presence

We value the transforming presence of the Holy Spirit that empowers us to live out our new life in Christ. 

     (Ac 1:1-11; Ga 5:16-26)


We value making the most of every opportunity to share the new life in Christ we have experienced with those we come in contact. 

     (Eph 5:8-17; Co 4:2-6; Mt 5:13-16; Is 42:6-8)


We value striving for excellence in everything we do because God is worthy of our best. 

      (Co 3:15-17,  23-24; I Cor 10:31; I Ki 6 & 7; Mal 1:6-9)

The First Baptist Church of Westerlo

Serving the hearts of the Hilltowns and beyond.